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Vim or Emacs?

Johnny Mercer



National Park Cruiser
National Park Cruiser, "National Park Cruiser" Yosemite, Cruiser, Buck, oil on canvas, NPS emblem
After loading up the family rig, throwing the kids in the back, checking and rechecking what you might have forgotten, you're ready to hit the road. You finally make it across the Bay Bridge and your destination is Yosemite National Park, the "Family Fun Park." Why not take the Old Priest Grade and avoid the bottleneck of RVs and weekend warriors on the other side? It's two miles of asphalt that will leave a lifetime of memories for the kids. In heroic verse your kids will proclaim to their friends:"My dad took the Grade to Yosemite." And mom would exclaim,"That climb was so steep I didn't thing we'd make it, I was praying the brakes would hold out on the descent!"
National Park Cruiser, "National Park Cruiser" Yosemite, Cruiser, Buck, oil on canvas, NPS emblem, Yosemite sign, Entrance 120
National Park Service Logo, emblem, oil on canvas, Cruiser
National Park Service logo 24"x36" oil on canvas
National Park Cruiser ® Copyright © 2005
Old Priest Grade picture courtesy of
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